
Posted: March 10, 2011 | Press

Dr. Richard Lee Joined Committee of 100

(New York, NY—January, 2011) –Committee of 100, an organization of Chinese American leaders, welcomes five new members including Dr. Richard Y. Lee, Chairman and CEO of Amsino Medical Group.

Founded in 1989 by renowned architect I.M. Pei along with other prominent Chinese Americans, the Committee of 100 is an independent, non-profit membership organization composed of Chinese American leaders in a broad range of professions. Its dual mission is to (1) encourage a stronger relationship between the people of the U.S. and Greater China and (2)encourage the full participation of Chinese Americans in all aspects of American life.

The other four new members includes Michelin Chau, President and COO, Lucas Film, Timothy Tong, President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Ted Wang, Co-Head of US delta Trading and Co-Chief Operating Officer of Global Equities, Goldman Sachs,andDali Yang, Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago.

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